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Dristin Roadmap

Posted: Jan 18, 2008 1:39 am
by Relic
In this thread, I will explain our plans for the game. Where we will start, and what we hope to bring with updates and future plans.

As it stands, when we first put the game online, there wont be alot of 'features'. You will be able to walk around and chat and for the most part this will be what you can do for the first little bit. During this time the focus will be to work out connection bugs and account creation bugs.

Soon after we will begin adding the more common things such as monsters, pvp, using/picking up objects, etc.

What will the game turn into? The focus is an event/quest oriented game, instead of a pure 'leveling' oriented game. There will be no cap's on skills or leveling, but we hope to have much more activity that will keep you from doing nothing but leveling. Below I will talk about our plans for certain aspects of the game, and what you should expect eventually. These are listed in no particular order.

There will be 6 classes to choose from. All will be designed to work well solo or as a team. For high end bosses or quests teamwork may be a requirement for success.

Knight: The knight will be a general warrior type. He will have high melee damage, high defence, low magic ability and weak healing ability. Also able to activly gain and hold 'aggro' from enemies.

Ranger: A ranged fighter who uses traps, light melee (daggers, fist weapons, etc), and all types of ranged weapons. They will have medium healing ability, and low/medium nature magic ability, and are skilled in stealth attacks.

Druid: The druid will rely on pets to help fight and defend. They will have low melee, medium defence, and high magic damage over time.

Priest: A healing class with low melee, low defence, high magic healing, and medium/low holy damage.

Warlock: Offensive magical class with low melee, low defence, very high magic damage, and low to medium self healing ability.

Paladin: The paladin will be a magic using warrior with medium melee, holy damage, medium healing ability, high defence, and no active 'aggro' gaining abilities.

Aggro System
Combat will use an 'aggro' system which is similar to 'World of Warcraft'. All agresive enemies will attack the first player it 'see's. However the aggro system will cause the enemy to change targets to player creating the highest threat towards it. Enemies will also change targets at random.

There will be 2 classes that can hold aggro. The Paladin and the Knight. The Paladin will have no active aggro gaining ability, which means that while a paladin can block and keep the monsters attention, any attacker will draw the attention of the monster. The longer the paladin blocks, the less likley an attacker is to draw aggro. The knight on the other hand, will have active aggro gaining ability. While the knight is activly gaining aggro, there is nothing that will draw the monsters attention away. Tactics to fight bosses and high end monsters will use the features of the aggro system the most.

Pet system
The druids will use a pet system. The pet system can be thought of a being able to summon monsters, however you will be able to give your summoned creature commands such as block, attack, defend, stay, etc. The stronger the druid, the better the pets he can command.

We will have 5 magic types. They are Fire, Ice, Holy, Nature, and Black (yes we had this system designed well before tibias update ). Most combat will be done using instant spells relying on mana rather than runes, however there will also be runes available. While we have some items which have resistances to certain magic types, there wont be any weaknesses against magic types. For example, a fire sword would not do more damage against a ice amor, than a fire armor. However the fire armor would resist fire damage where the ice armor would not.

Runes will be a concentrated version of an instant spell. For instance, if you have a fire spell, you can concentrate that spell into a rune. The rune will be more powerful than the instant spell, however will not count towards magic skill, it will cost more mana than the instant spell to create, and it will take up space/capacity. The main purpose of runes will be for bosses/high monsters, or wars/pvp. They will be inefficient enough to discourage hunting normally using them.

Skill system
We will have something of a tiered skill system. There will be a main skill and sub skills.


Two handed


The main skill will increase by gaining levels, promotions, and some other means. The subskills will advance by using an item in that category. The main skill affects all subskills, and subskills futher affect the specific skill.
For example two players:
Player 1
melee skill - 30
sword - 40
axe - 10

Player 2
melee skill - 70
sword - 40
axe - 10

Player 1 would do more damage using sword than axe, while player 2 would do more damage with both his sword and axe than player 1.

The system is designed so a low level can still use any weapon (with training), however a higher level with the same subskill will still do more damage using the same weapon. The same idea is applied to magic

We feel death should hurt to a degree. You shouldnt be able to die without consiquences. Our death penalty will be tuned so that while dieing still hurts, it wont be so bad that your afraid to explore and try new things.

What will you loose when you die in our game? If you die, you will loose a % of the experience needed for your previous level.
you are level 51, it took 1,000,000 experience points to go from 49-50. You would loose 100,000 experience points when you die. The same system will apply to skills. 10% is just a figure we are using as an example. The final system will be determined after testing.

Item durability
In order to maintain a steady economy in an online world, you need a way for items to leave the game. One system we will eventually put in place to help with this, is a durability system.

On items which are affected by the durability system, there will be 3 levels.
Disposable - once it breaks, it cannot be repaired
semi-repairable - once it breaks, it may be repaired a limited ammount of times
repairable - may allways be repaired

A broken item may require material to repair. For instance, if you have a broken longsword, a blacksmith npc may require 3 broken shortswords or 1 unbroken shorsword to repair it.

The system will allow broken items to still serve a purpose, while removing them from the server.

We feel pvp combat is a needed aspect of this style of game. There will be no bannable offences when it comes to pvp. We feel the community can and will take care of itself in regards to 'mass pkers'. That being said, a player who kills too many people may find that npcs in towns are too scared of them to do business with them. Or that the town guards are looking for them.

Not really part of the roadmap, but this is a good place to mention it. Cheating will be very harshly punished in our game. For most offences, cheating will result in deletion. We feel cheaters disrupt the balance of a game, and ruin the fun for others and it will not be tolerated.

That is a taste of what the future of the game will look like. Things may change, however this gives you an idea on what to expect the future to be. We hope to be able to do some testing soon, and look forrward to seeing you all there!

Re: Dristin Roadmap

Posted: Jan 22, 2008 10:52 am
by Debukis Ondeteibou
Will be there some way to join/create guilds ?

Re: Dristin Roadmap

Posted: Feb 06, 2008 9:14 am
by Mimming
If you have the time one day i would like a further explanation of the sub-skills vs main skill thing, its very interesting, that is if you've fully planned it yet

Re: Dristin Roadmap

Posted: Feb 24, 2008 11:27 am
by Nameless
Sounds like some mixup of Tibia and WoW. Fits me perfectly, as i've missed some online game to be on. I've had my share of WoW, and my share of Tibia. So let's move on to the next.

Sounds very interesting. Can't wait intill it launches.

Edit: In addition, i'd like to say that this is a kickass thing you guys are doing. Since you've always been a part of the Trimeran history. It's even greater to see what this will turn out to be. I don't like what Tibia has become, and it might be the perfect time for this game to have a bright future, as I belive manny might think of a fresh start in a new 2D online game.

Re: Dristin Roadmap

Posted: Feb 27, 2008 6:53 pm
by Magus Binx
Concerning the pet system. . .Will there be a cap to the strength of the creatures summoned, like in Tibia which you can only summon up to a Fire Elemental no matter how high your level or magic level get (though I think at one time, some people were able to summon dragons)?

Re: Dristin Roadmap

Posted: Feb 27, 2008 8:40 pm
by Abscess
There will be no cap, but there will be requirements in order to summon monsters, for example high enough magic lvl, high enough lvl, skill, and so on. The exact details of what the limiting factors will be are not definate yet but thats should give you an idea.

Re: Dristin Roadmap

Posted: Mar 12, 2008 8:38 am
by Bringer
There will be 6 classes to choose from. All will be designed to work well solo or as a team. For high end bosses or quests teamwork may be a requirement for success.
Are there plans to add in other classes as the game progresses?
Knight: The knight will be a general warrior type. He will have high melee damage, high defence, low magic ability and weak healing ability. Also able to activly gain and hold 'aggro' from enemies.
The aggro holder is just who has the most threat on the mob's threat table. Wouldn't everyone be able to "hold aggro" as long as they were top on threat? I'm guessing actively gaining threat is some type on taunt.
Ranger: A ranged fighter who uses traps, light melee (daggers, fist weapons, etc), and all types of ranged weapons. They will have medium healing ability, and low/medium nature magic ability, and are skilled in stealth attacks.
Me likey.
Druid: The druid will rely on pets to help fight and defend. They will have low melee, medium defence, and high magic damage over time.
Sounds good, having a proper balance in the pet's perspective is going to be difficult. In WoW, the hunter in PvE is a God with his pet, since the mob's are easily manageable. In PvP the pet is not even in the same ballpark of usefulness. Thus... Hunter - PvE = God, Hunter - PvP = Gimped. Well that's how it was for a long time.
Priest: A healing class with low melee, low defence, high magic healing, and medium/low holy damage.
Sounds good.
Warlock: Offensive magical class with low melee, low defence, very high magic damage, and low to medium self healing ability.
Warlocks as far as I've seen have always been about curses, debuffs, dots, etc. Sort of like your Anti-priest.

Priest gives a +500 hp buff.
Warlock gives a -500 hp debuff.
Priest gives a 100 hp/sec heal over 10 secs.
Warlock gives a -100 hp/sec curse over 10 secs.

It's not that simple, but you know what I mean ;)
Paladin: The paladin will be a magic using warrior with medium melee, holy damage, medium healing ability, high defence, and no active 'aggro' gaining abilities.
Ugh... I... hate... paladins... no... more... please....
Reasons I hate Pallies:

A.)Paladin by all lore is a some type of holy crusading knight who uses God as their power. Thus, a pally is incapable of becoming some type of "Dark Paladin" or even a nuetral paladin. This hinder RP'ing aspects of PK'ing etc.

B.)Paladins have no originality. Make a Warrior/Knight and a Priest/Healer have a baby and there's your paladin.

C.)Paladins by nature, even in WoW are always way overpowered, or way underpowered. I think this is because their 'niche' is so split between Melee and Healing. If you make them 1/2 and 1/2, they are going to suck in both. If you make them 80%/80%, they are going to be Gods. Finding the balance among all the skills and game mechanics is extremely daunting.

About your classes, where is the Mage/Wizard type? I never really like this class, but I was just curious as to who was going to use the Ice magics.
Aggro System
Combat will use an 'aggro' system which is similar to 'World of Warcraft'. All agresive enemies will attack the first player it 'see's. However the aggro system will cause the enemy to change targets to player creating the highest threat towards it. Enemies will also change targets at random.
There will be 2 classes that can hold aggro. The Paladin and the Knight. The Paladin will have no active aggro gaining ability, which means that while a paladin can block and keep the monsters attention, any attacker will draw the attention of the monster. The longer the paladin blocks, the less likley an attacker is to draw aggro. The knight on the other hand, will have active aggro gaining ability. While the knight is activly gaining aggro, there is nothing that will draw the monsters attention away. Tactics to fight bosses and high end monsters will use the features of the aggro system the most.
Aggro is just "Who the monster is after", and threat determines aggro, right? I don't understand the "2 classes that can hold aggro" then. The Knight will have an active aggro gaining ability that prevents anyone/thing pulling aggro is going to make the Knight the only real option for a tank. Although I am against the paladin class altogether, I really think the tank:class ratio should be 1:3. 9 classes, 3 should be able to tank, etc. Otherwise you'll be experiencing not enough tanks to support DPS and healing classes, which sucks balls.
Pet system
The druids will use a pet system. The pet system can be thought of a being able to summon monsters, however you will be able to give your summoned creature commands such as block, attack, defend, stay, etc. The stronger the druid, the better the pets he can command.
Sounds good. Ever think about making the pet customizable? Horses can have shoes, can my bear have Iron claws fitted on his paws? Can I throw some chainmail over his back and flanks? Can I "train" his stats in one direction? So my bear will be stronger, but slower than your bear?
We will have 5 magic types.
Runes will be a concentrated version of an instant spell.
Magic System is good. Rune system is awesome. Check out the Mage's "Conjured Mana (Emerald/Ruby/etc)". I'd recommend a 6th Magic type too, Arcane, Wind, Earth, anything.
Skill system
We will have something of a tiered skill system. There will be a main skill and sub skills.
Excellent idea. This makes the training "grind" unnecessary but still there for hardcores.
I'd still recommend a 6th! :roll:
Two handed
Does the Two handed cover everything two handed??? TH Axe, TH Sword, TH Mace, Staff???? Is there a shield skill?

Fist (For the rangers of course)
Sounds great, 'Thrown' and 'Spear' sound a little redundant. Aren't spears supposed to be thrown is they're in the ranged sub?
The main skill will increase by gaining levels, promotions, and some other means. The subskills will advance by using an item in that category. The main skill affects all subskills, and subskills futher affect the specific skill.
I like it. Basically a level 50 will be good at a sword he picks up for the first time, but a level 50 who has used swords his whole life will be better.
We feel death should hurt to a degree. You shouldnt be able to die without consiquences. Our death penalty will be tuned so that while dieing still hurts, it wont be so bad that your afraid to explore and try new things.

What will you loose when you die in our game? If you die, you will loose a % of the experience needed for your previous level.
Has De-leveling possibility been determined?
Item durability
On items which are affected by the durability system, there will be 3 levels.
Disposable - once it breaks, it cannot be repaired
semi-repairable - once it breaks, it may be repaired a limited ammount of times
repairable - may allways be repaired

A broken item may require material to repair. For instance, if you have a broken longsword, a blacksmith npc may require 3 broken shortswords or 1 unbroken shorsword to repair it.

The system will allow broken items to still serve a purpose, while removing them from the server.
Very good idea, makes sense too. A short sword is still composed of some metal right? Why can't it be used to fix my long sword?? Wait... What if I could repair my own swords with my Blacksmithing trade skill? ;)
We feel pvp combat is a needed aspect of this style of game. There will be no bannable offences when it comes to pvp. We feel the community can and will take care of itself in regards to 'mass pkers'. That being said, a player who kills too many people may find that npcs in towns are too scared of them to do business with them. Or that the town guards are looking for them.
This makes my vagina wet.
Not really part of the roadmap, but this is a good place to mention it. Cheating will be very harshly punished in our game. For most offences, cheating will result in deletion. We feel cheaters disrupt the balance of a game, and ruin the fun for others and it will not be tolerated.
After the 2nd time, ban their IP. After the 3rd time, ban their country's IP... :coughBrazilcough:

That is a taste of what the future of the game will look like. Things may change, however this gives you an idea on what to expect the future to be. We hope to be able to do some testing soon, and look forrward to seeing you all there!

Re: Dristin Roadmap

Posted: Mar 12, 2008 9:43 am
by Relic
First... your a cock for posting a novel, you could have just asked doug and i this the other night :P

Are there plans to add in other classes as the game progresses?
No plans, but who knows.
The aggro holder is just who has the most threat on the mob's threat table. Wouldn't everyone be able to "hold aggro" as long as they were top on threat? I'm guessing actively gaining threat is some type on taunt.
Our aggro system will be much simplified over wow's. Without an active aggro ability, the monster would just randomly target other percieved threats. So 4 people go to a monster, only one attacks, the monster will mostly stay on him. However once anyone else attacks they would have just as much 'threat' as the first attacker. In addition the monster could attack one of the 3 'non attackers' at random similar to tibia.
Druid: The druid will rely on pets to help fight and defend. They will have low melee, medium defence, and high magic damage over time.
Sounds good, having a proper balance in the pet's perspective is going to be difficult. In WoW, the hunter in PvE is a God with his pet, since the mob's are easily manageable. In PvP the pet is not even in the same ballpark of usefulness. Thus... Hunter - PvE = God, Hunter - PvP = Gimped. Well that's how it was for a long time.
It will be a difficult class to properly balance between pvp/pve, but we are talking about a game that will update/make changes as needed instead of once every six months coughcough. We'll have to fix problems as we notice them.
Warlocks as far as I've seen have always been about curses, debuffs, dots, etc. Sort of like your Anti-priest.

Priest gives a +500 hp buff.
Warlock gives a -500 hp debuff.
Priest gives a 100 hp/sec heal over 10 secs.
Warlock gives a -100 hp/sec curse over 10 secs.

It's not that simple, but you know what I mean ;)
You can think of our Warlock as what the original idea of a tibia sorcerer was.
Ugh... I... hate... paladins... no... more... please....
Reasons I hate Pallies:

A.)Paladin by all lore is a some type of holy crusading knight who uses God as their power. Thus, a pally is incapable of becoming some type of "Dark Paladin" or even a nuetral paladin. This hinder RP'ing aspects of PK'ing etc.

B.)Paladins have no originality. Make a Warrior/Knight and a Priest/Healer have a baby and there's your paladin.

C.)Paladins by nature, even in WoW are always way overpowered, or way underpowered. I think this is because their 'niche' is so split between Melee and Healing. If you make them 1/2 and 1/2, they are going to suck in both. If you make them 80%/80%, they are going to be Gods. Finding the balance among all the skills and game mechanics is extremely daunting.
I would consider a paladin as a jack of all trades/'master' of none. He can do it all but not better than another class in the given area. He can play as a knight, but not as good as a knight can. he can be a healer but not as good as a priest, etc. Alot of people like a class that can do alot of different things, our paladin will fill that role.
About your classes, where is the Mage/Wizard type? I never really like this class, but I was just curious as to who was going to use the Ice magics.
Aggro is just "Who the monster is after", and threat determines aggro, right? I don't understand the "2 classes that can hold aggro" then. The Knight will have an active aggro gaining ability that prevents anyone/thing pulling aggro is going to make the Knight the only real option for a tank. Although I am against the paladin class altogether, I really think the tank:class ratio should be 1:3. 9 classes, 3 should be able to tank, etc. Otherwise you'll be experiencing not enough tanks to support DPS and healing classes, which sucks balls.
see above. The exact method of how the paladin will keep aggro isnt decided. But using the same 4 player example, this is what would happen. 4 players enter an area with monsters, the paladin can gain aggro on all of them, however any attacks from other players will break that and the monsters would see the attacker and paladin as equal threat (similar to how 'challenge' works). Only a knight would be able to maintain the higher threat. Also, the aggro system will be useful mainly for bosses, or stronger than average monsters (even though it will work on any monster). The idea that you wont have enough tanks wont be as bad as the situation in wow, because in wow all you do is raid, here there will be plenty of other things to do. And you really will only require the higher end teamwork when fighting bosses/high end monsters. To put it into 'tibia terms' if we go kill some demons, we may use it, but if we go kill morgoroth, we will have to use it. one might be a daily occurance, the other once in two weeks. On top of that, we dont have anything concrete yet either :P
Sounds good. Ever think about making the pet customizable? Horses can have shoes, can my bear have Iron claws fitted on his paws? Can I throw some chainmail over his back and flanks? Can I "train" his stats in one direction? So my bear will be stronger, but slower than your bear?
classes are still a while away, anything like this is even further out so who knows, its possible.

I'd still recommend a 6th! :roll:
Unless we can see a need, 5 should be sufficient. Whats the justification for a 6th?
Does the Two handed cover everything two handed??? TH Axe, TH Sword, TH Mace, Staff???? Is there a shield skill?
I have to talk with Doug about what we decided, but I believe 'two handed' is actually going to be a skill for dual weild. If he reads this, and remembers, he can say what we decided. As far as shield skill goes, there will be one, it wont be within the skill tiers though.
Fist (For the rangers of course)
Sounds great, 'Thrown' and 'Spear' sound a little redundant. Aren't spears supposed to be thrown is they're in the ranged sub?
We still have to figure out how to deal with fist. And my notes dont address the 'spear vs thrown' issue, So we will have to talk about it and decide how that will play out.
The main skill will increase by gaining levels, promotions, and some other means. The subskills will advance by using an item in that category. The main skill affects all subskills, and subskills futher affect the specific skill.
I like it. Basically a level 50 will be good at a sword he picks up for the first time, but a level 50 who has used swords his whole life will be better.
Thats the idea.
We feel death should hurt to a degree. You shouldnt be able to die without consiquences. Our death penalty will be tuned so that while dieing still hurts, it wont be so bad that your afraid to explore and try new things.

What will you loose when you die in our game? If you die, you will loose a % of the experience needed for your previous level.
Has De-leveling possibility been determined?
The way the system will work, you will still loose levels. It's just a bit softer than the tibia style.
Very good idea, makes sense too. A short sword is still composed of some metal right? Why can't it be used to fix my long sword?? Wait... What if I could repair my own swords with my Blacksmithing trade skill? ;)
This makes my vagina wet.
Things i say, tend to have that effect on women.

Finally, were still far away from being able to implement alot of this stuff. As said, its just the path most likley to be followed so things may/probably will change.

Re: Dristin Roadmap

Posted: Mar 12, 2008 6:34 pm
by Magus Binx
I agree with Bringer in that Warlock generally indicates a curse/damage over time class. That being said, would it be better to call the mage-type a Mage, Archmage or something else of the sort?

Re: Dristin Roadmap

Posted: Mar 12, 2008 6:52 pm
by Relic
Magus Binx wrote:I agree with Bringer in that Warlock generally indicates a curse/damage over time class. That being said, would it be better to call the mage-type a Mage, Archmage or something else of the sort?
I can call them Susan if it makes you feel better.

Warlock - noun 1. a man who practices the black arts; a male witch; sorcerer.