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Posted: Jan 20, 2008 12:23 am
by Reevez
Will there be an introduction island like Rook with Tibia? :arrow:


Posted: Jan 20, 2008 12:27 am
by Relic
We think that the Tibia 'rookgaard' doesnt really do much to teach newcomers. Rookgaard is essentially 'tibia lite' and does very little to explain how to play, good etiquete, etc. We havnt decided if a starter area is the right way to go yet. But there will certainly be some method of integrating new users into the game and teaching them to play. Rookgaard also serves another purpose. It makes it so creating a new character takes time, and this reduced the 'junk characters' slightly. So something in that vein will probably be done.


Posted: Jan 20, 2008 11:35 am
by DZP
How about mentorship program>?

Experianced players would teach new ones how to play, in reward they would get some dristin items or cash


Posted: Jan 21, 2008 5:45 pm
by Pskonejott
That would lead to an exponential growth in noobs :(

lvl 1 soon to be noob: Can I please have some items to help me start out?
lvl 180 noob: like this
lvl 180 noob: FREE ITENS PLX
lvl 180 noob: FREE ITENS PLX
lvl 180 noob: FREE ITENS PLX
lvl 180 noob: FREE ITENS PLX
lvl 180 noob: FREE ITENS PLX
lvl 180 noob: FREE ITENS PLX
lvl 180 noob: FREE ITENS PLX
lvl 180 noob: FREE ITENS PLX


Posted: Jan 21, 2008 8:41 pm
by DZP
well , to cut speculations i ve meant such a mentorship program like that one from " Entropia Universe"

Tutors/mentors limited edition od item for thier work with noobs/newbies ( in The entropia universe noob have to achieve specifc level of skill - mentor tells him how to train, shows places, gives advices about hunting, tactics etc - well it depends of the game complexity really. )

To sum up: Theoretical framework for this idea, is to accelerate adoption of new players to game enivorments, challanges, with the use of experianced players (mentors/tutors) who would be rewarded (in the most suitable way) for thier effort put in the processes.

Amen for now.

Paul \m/_


Posted: Jan 21, 2008 10:25 pm
by Reevez
Lol, that's allot of work for actual "players" to do ;/
if you look at Runescapes way they have a simple one that shows everyone the A's and B's of the game, and it doesn't take too long like tibia's..
it's basically NPC's telling you what to do... and where to go next till you've completed the intro part of the game.

plastikowej hi = )


Posted: Jan 23, 2008 9:47 pm
by Braxthor
mayb a place where u should do some missions, and that missions will teach the new players something?