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Walls, Doors, Ramps, Pillars

Posted: Apr 05, 2008 6:47 pm
by Relic
This tutorial was created by artfire, for the graphics forum. You can find the original here: link

How to draw walls
1. First of all, you make a 32x32 texture that should be tile-able horizontally and if you want, you can draw it tile-able vertically as well, so the wall will work better when used for high buildings. You also have to draw a 32x8 texture for the top. This texture must be brighter than the other, to give a more tridimensional and better look. Last, copy the main texture and cut the left part of it as a 8x32 rectangle.
2. Now you have all the needed textures for your wall. It would be useful if you save them as "mywall_textures.bmp" for future use or improvement.
3. Skew (an "image" effect in all drawing programs, paint included) your main texture 45º horizontally. Skew your 8x32 rectangle 45º horizontally, rotate it -90º and flip vertical. Take the "top" texture and join them all. Notice the empty row between walls, you'll have to fill it by hand.
4. To make the side-view, rotate -90º and flip vertical.
5. You'll need the down-right corner. Skew the main texture as before, make a copy, rotate it -90º and flip it vertical. Make also a copy of the top texture and rotate 90º. You'll have to join this 2 top textures and fix this by hand. Join all these parts and it’s done
6. The little "pillar" is tricky. You can make it by cutting+skewing, but I recommend to take the template provided and cut in the corner you've just made.
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Following are the best ways to present your walls (1 / 2 different main textures)
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How to draw doors
This is much like drawing walls.
1. Draw a 24x26 door texture, a "top" 24x3 texture and a "side" 3x26 texture.
2. Skew the door texture 45º horizontally and the side texture also. Rotate the side one -90º and flip it vertical.
3. The texture alone is for the closed version. Rotate and flip for the side version
4. You'll have to flip your texture horizontal before skewing it while making the open versions. Join all parts. Rotate and flip for the other side. Cut these as seen in the template provided.
5. You can also see how to make the doorstep for your walls.
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Re: Walls, Doors, Ramps, Pillars

Posted: Apr 05, 2008 6:50 pm
by Relic
How to draw ramps
A) If your ramp will be made of some plain material: Create a 64x64 texture for your wall. When you are done creating the texture, make a copy and darken it.
B) If your ramp will be made of bricks and floortiles, check in the picture what textures you will need and how they work. You will need 3 textures for the west version and 2 textures for the east one.
West version
1. Take a 32x32 portion of the texture, skew 45º vertical, or take a 64x32 portion of the texture, resize 50º horizontal, skew 45º vertical this will give better consistency
2. Take a 32x32 of the dark texture, skew -45º vertical.
3. Select a 64x32 triangle from the dark texture (see the picture) and skew 45º horizontal.
4. Join them.
East version
1. Take a 64x32 portion of the texture, resize 150% horizontal, skew 19º
2. Take a 64x32 triangle from dark texture (see the picture) and skew 45º horizontal.
3. Trickiest part! Join them. You might have troubles: the angle is not exact. It's more like 18,5º or so.
You must present your ramps like this. Notice you will need to do some cutting work and make some texture skewing to accomplish it.
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A comment on pillars
If you are going to make pillars, their top and bottom bases should be the same. The top base should stick to the central axis (see the red arrow), and the bottom base should stick to the bottom-right corner. This way your pillars will be stackable.
(note that you'll need a 64x64 canvas for pillars)
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