Equipment and Weapons discussion

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Equipment and Weapons discussion

Post by Relic » Jun 20, 2008 4:35 pm

So I am noticing that Tibia now has tons of weapons and equipment in the game. We allways complained back in the day that there was not enough variety in weapons and eq. Now that there is (strictly talking about the full range, NOT just a single 'strongest' weapon), I've noticed something. It seems like more weapons and eq remove the 'special' feeling of them. I dont know how many swords are in tibia anymore, but it seems that there are so many that none of them are special at all. Is this a feeling you guys get aswell? If you have restrictions to weapons (be it level or vocation or skill requirements), does tiered weapons feel 'watered down' in you guys' experience?

Let me know what you think about too many or too little weapons/eq. Should their be a weapon for each number? (ie atk:3, atk:4, atk:5, etc) or a weapon ever few steps (ie atk:3, atk:5, atk:8, etc).

Doug and I have allways though that you can never have too many items, but now i'm wondering if that really is the case.


Rad Ultima
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Re: Equipment and Weapons discussion

Post by Rad Ultima » Jun 20, 2008 6:49 pm

That's actually the same way I have thought about it. It's like with every new item they have put into the game the "classical simple Tibia feel" to the game has become very... diluted.

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Re: Equipment and Weapons discussion

Post by Munx » Jun 20, 2008 8:56 pm

One of the biggest appeals Tibia held for me was the useless, but rare items to collect. Like Teddy Bears and such. But Tibias weapons have gotten a little, like Rad said, diluted. Theres so many useless ones. Why get the super rare 34 attack sword when theres the easier to acquire 36 attack Firesword? What would probably be best is to have less weapons but spread their attack farther apart and make each step up significantly harder to get, while having to fight harder monsters that have less of a loot drop, and then when your at the top of that chain have some super rare weapons that aren't as easy to obtain as say the Sword of Valor but more like the Thunder Hammer so theres still something rare to strive for.

It sounds pretty much exactly what Tibia was trying to go for, but fucked up royally anyway. I'd recommend increments of 5 or something.

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Re: Equipment and Weapons discussion

Post by Relic » Jun 20, 2008 9:08 pm

On the note of having a common weapon which is better than a hard to get or rarer weapon (or armor), something which tibia does very frequently (firesword was a good example). What if said 'rare' weapon was indeed weaker on attack but perhaps had other benefits. Such as stronger (doesnt break as often), faster attack speed, or other interesting benefits. Would a similar but slightly weaker be more sought after over the common but slightly stronger weapon?

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Re: Equipment and Weapons discussion

Post by Gand » Jun 21, 2008 2:43 am

I like the idea of having an spaced attack range vs one for each number. If you had one for each number it would definitely water things down and remove any reason to gain a weapon other than "one higher attack point", which doesn't sound too appealing anyway.

I like the idea of a weaker weapon but beneficial in other ways. It counters the lowered attack but still makes it desired/'rare.' Uniqueness like this, sparingly anyway, could keep things interesting.

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Re: Equipment and Weapons discussion

Post by Mimming » Jun 21, 2008 8:33 am

Yes, ever since i player tibia i always imagined the perfect weapon set up was a consecutive order of attack power. (atk1, atk2 etc) But it had to be just as evenly consecutive in the rarity, if you get what i mean

Lady Horseman
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Re: Equipment and Weapons discussion

Post by Lady Horseman » Jun 22, 2008 9:11 pm

Damn I had long post, was previewing it and lost it due to reconnect.

So I will keep this one short.

Keep the excitement in the game, dont flood the game with useless things. Make ppl work for items. When you do add more to the game only add a very few and for heavens sakes make them better and more valueable the the ones already in game. Who the hell wants a bone shield after having a MMS.(example) You guys know what I mean. I bet I know someone that would have loved to have had a Thunderhammer at his level. And then something else better a little later to strive for, but it never came. Only useless items in my opinion at the higher levels. Damn you cant even sell half the stuff they put in game these days unless you are lucky and a NPC will buy them from you. Oh and space the Attacks and Defense out on items. One attack more isnt hardly worth it, unless it is ubber rare.

Nice sharing with you guys.

Always, Lady H.

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Re: Equipment and Weapons discussion

Post by Munx » Jun 23, 2008 7:38 pm

I think having weaker weapons with special properties would make the weapons that are stronger and without useless in the long run. It would be cool if nearly every weapon had some special properties to it. Like a Giant Sword dealing double damage but taking twice as long to swing, or a Firesword burning the opponent so they slowly lose health on top of what you're already dealing with the sword itself. In theory it would be pretty cool and make things could even define the lower end weapons like a simple sword or axe such as the axe having more attack power but the sword being able to swing faster, and somehow balance it all so people use what they think is fun and not whats best, and not make a mistake like Tibia where everyone was club for the War Hammer and then they made Swords and Axes a bit better and everyone switched.

The main thing that should be avoided with weapons & spells is the "correct" way to do anything. If I decided to hunt heroes as a Sorcerer on Tibia not using Exori Mort but Sudden Death runes I'd be branded a retard, even if I thought Sudden Death runes were more fun. I think thats the real problem with generic weapons and ways to attack...and each weapon having significant differences from each other might solve this problem.

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Re: Equipment and Weapons discussion

Post by Antihero » Jul 07, 2008 12:10 pm

Less is more.

Tibia was so much better without all this "+5% resistance" bullcrap.
As long as PvP/fighting is simple, and focuses more on player skill than items, I reckon people will be happy XD

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Re: Equipment and Weapons discussion

Post by Infinity » Jul 07, 2008 12:44 pm

Antihero wrote:Less is more.

Tibia was so much better without all this "+5% resistance" bullcrap.
As long as PvP/fighting is simple, and focuses more on player skill than items, I reckon people will be happy XD
World of Warcraft would like to have a word with you, sir.

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