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Progress Report - 2/10

Posted: Feb 11, 2009 3:23 am
by Relic
So I figure since we are working our asses off, I can post what we're doing without sounding too much like a worthless lazy bastard. So first, I'll get everyone up to speed on whats been going on, and where we are at the moment.

The past few months:
Over the past few months we spent most of our time creating tools to help us with various parts of the game development. The biggest part of that was the map editor. We also created an editor to build our sprite file, and object data file. We also wrapped up the final bits of the clients' gui interface (windows, buttons etc = gui), and reworked alot of the graphic rendering engine.

I'll give a bit of a run down of what the map editor does. In the following picture i'll describe what each button is for (in case you care ;) )
  • 1 - Create a new map
    2 - Open a map
    3 - Save a map
    4 - Erase tile(s)
    5 - Eyedropper (select a tile from the map)
    6 - Paint/fill selection
    7 - Randomizer, this lets us select multiple tiles which we will then be randomly choosen when we paint/click on the map
    8 - Make a selection
    9 - 'brush' size (if you want to draw 2x2, 10x10, etc tiles at once)
    10 - Show 'protection zone'
    11 - Show area names - Different areas will have their own names, and will be displayed on you're client. This tool lets us see what name is where
    12 - Show blocking tiles - blocking tiles are areas you cannot move to
    13 - Show ground tiles
    14 - Go to location on the map
    15 - Currently selected tile, cursor's current map position
    16 - List of tiles

    As you can see it's pretty straight forrward, there will be some other additions we make to it to make things easier, but this gets us where we needed to be in order to build the map for Dristin (aside from artwork).
Untitled-1 copy.png
Now that you are up to speed on what has been going on, lets get to what we are doing right now:
We are working on getting the server up to snuff. Accounts, chat handling mostly.
Reworking the client chat system a bit
Some minor bug fixes to the client

As it is, we will be handing out the client pretty soon to make sure it runs on other people's computers than our's. Then very soon after, begin connection testing. What we have said before as far as what to expect, is still the case. When we start testing, it will be mainly about client/server stability. You will be able to see other people, walk around, chat and maybe some other very minor things. As far as graphics, we are kicking that up and making them as much as we can (coding > graphics atm), but are still very light on environment, building sprites, so it will look a bit baren/boring in the beginning, but hey, we have to start somewhere.

I'll probably post on Saturday's from here on out with what we got done, and if its nothing you guys can make fun of us :)

Re: Progress Report - 2/10

Posted: Feb 11, 2009 5:51 pm
by Rad Ultima

Re: Progress Report - 2/10

Posted: Feb 13, 2009 1:00 am
by Debukis Ondeteibou

Re: Progress Report - 2/10

Posted: Mar 02, 2009 12:10 am
by Gand
Oh cool, I thought you guys were dead or something :roll: , rather I forgot the name of this site :oops: