Wee....Nah, not weekly. Just an Update

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Joined:Jan 18, 2008 12:25 am
Wee....Nah, not weekly. Just an Update

Post by Relic » Apr 12, 2015 11:24 am

So I quickly have realised that since everything were working on right now is in the background that a weekly update is a bit pointless. I have been working on a very robust input system which I am sure is just getting you all super excited :roll: . The biggest parts of what we are doing now is getting all the code from the old client (the one that we did a test with) and making that run on multiple platforms while also fixing some major flaws with code design. Much of the code is directly moving into the new client project but certain sections namely Input and Graphics are vastly different and it's taking me some time to get those components how I want them. The important part is that work is being done.

Doug has been hardly hard ;) at work building a new game editor. Our old editor was a modified version of the client and while it was good for some things (testing client gui & drawing code) it was a bit cumbersome and the goal is to eventually allow community members to create parts of the map using it so it has to be more user friendly than what we had.

Apart from that, I am soon going to be updating all the textures we have to the new larger size we will be using (64x64 as a base size) and generating new art. Once I start doing that I'll have interesting things to post about.

So to wrap this up, I will update as necessary rather than according to an arbitrary schedule hope to have another update rather soon once I can demonstrate the new Windows & Linux clients.

Joined:Oct 29, 2008 11:41 pm

Re: Wee....Nah, not weekly. Just an Update

Post by Scientist » Apr 14, 2015 9:16 pm

Love the news about the map editor. The idea of creating and sharing ideas and parts of the game is just as enjoyable as playing it.

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