Vocation for real

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Keeper of death
Joined:Feb 24, 2009 7:02 pm
Vocation for real

Post by Keeper of death » Aug 27, 2009 11:49 pm

this may seem stupid, but i think it might be neat and possibly enhance the role playing theme.
Make it possible to have a job related to your vocation. so lets say your a knight, you could work in a shop as a black smith and make swords and axe's for the shop keeper. you hate to say, drag a chunk of iron into a fire to heat it up and while its in the fire you pump the bellows until its good and hot, then you put it on the anvil and hit it with a smith hammer ( could be an item you earn or something) and hit it a few times then cool it in a bucket of water. repeat and get a percent of the value for the weapon... or a pally could shave down wood to make bows and X-bows, a sorce could work for the towns defenses and use his/her orb to envision where the enemy is or something, and a druid could work in the town hospital and act as a doctor and tend to the injured soldiers from battle. they would get paid for the service and depending how long they worked would judge how much gold they make.

idk, it may be stupid but i just thought it would be something different than hunting and questing.

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Re: Vocation for real

Post by Shinta » Aug 28, 2009 7:30 am

it does sound kinda cool but maby a little to far thinking for the game just yet
The bluest part of the sky seems so far away. I suppose thats what keeps us striving for it.

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Keeper of death
Joined:Feb 24, 2009 7:02 pm

Re: Vocation for real

Post by Keeper of death » Aug 29, 2009 1:26 pm

i agree, im just thinking ahead when everything is running smoothly.
a thought for a future update or somthing

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Re: Vocation for real

Post by Totoro » Aug 29, 2009 9:25 pm

A good idea, again a little bit complicated. Would make the game more interesting. There could be a skill factor involved as well, for example, timing of the steps involved in sword smithing or bow making could effect the quality of crafted weapons. Again this is all thinking ahead, but I do like the premise of it.
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Re: Vocation for real

Post by Reevez » Aug 31, 2009 1:15 am

ah yes hmm i do agree
if i put some song lyrics or something technical and witty sounding in here maybe people will think i'm cool

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