Equipment and Weapons discussion

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Backhand Jester
Joined:Jan 19, 2008 10:37 am
Re: Equipment and Weapons discussion

Post by Backhand Jester » Sep 23, 2008 7:24 pm

In response to initial topic and if this is redundant I apologize. Tibia blows because the game has become far to easy. I feel that weapons and some of the mage items have greatly attributed to this fact. Skill and knowledge doesn't seem to matter anymore.

i know you wanted a direct answer regarding weapons, but i trully believe that it is a compilation of factors that have attributed to the demise (at least for me) of this game.


P.S. this is an edit portion:
I just read some of the ideas. I really like doing quests for exp and getting armor from hunts. But maybe certain quests could have armor and exp for groups. Everyone wins. Keep rares rare, that's the key.

Joined:Jul 12, 2008 12:37 pm

Re: Equipment and Weapons discussion

Post by Trucker » Sep 28, 2008 7:49 pm

Grim wrote:The typical solution, yet effective;

I would suggest a forging system, where you could upgrade your current equipment to
+1, +2, ...+9 and so on. The higher the number goes, the higher risk of your equipment
'disintegrating' upon your attempt to upgrade it.

Of course, your equipment/weapon will have better defence/attack ratings upon success.
Eventually someone will end up with items like Cheese Sword(+13), which would be priceless.
Upgrading from +1 to +2 would be easy, but upgrading stuff like +11 would be like winning a lotto.
This is actually something in play on a OT server I helped make, The actual owner of the server is the same person who did Chaos ot, Deathzot and a few others as well its pretty big and its a tiering system just like what he is describing with the cheese sword but they ran it off o a whole luck system that character receives when it is made and the luck scale is on a 0-100 scale, if your interested in asking him how he did this.

Joined:Mar 09, 2008 9:34 pm

Re: Equipment and Weapons discussion

Post by Rephaim » Dec 15, 2008 4:23 pm

Grim wrote:The typical solution, yet effective;

I would suggest a forging system, where you could upgrade your current equipment to
+1, +2, ...+9 and so on. The higher the number goes, the higher risk of your equipment
'disintegrating' upon your attempt to upgrade it.

Of course, your equipment/weapon will have better defence/attack ratings upon success.
Eventually someone will end up with items like Cheese Sword(+13), which would be priceless.
Upgrading from +1 to +2 would be easy, but upgrading stuff like +11 would be like winning a lotto.
that idea (intentionally or not) was taken from lineage 2
formerly Melisande

Joined:Feb 06, 2008 8:14 pm

Re: Equipment and Weapons discussion

Post by Brennon » Dec 27, 2008 10:19 pm

To Be HOnest the +1-+what ever crap came off of conquer online a 3d game thats been up for 17 years =)

Joined:Oct 31, 2008 10:43 pm

Re: Equipment and Weapons discussion

Post by Zeek » Mar 21, 2009 5:23 pm

I havent read anything but your post Rich so bare with me if someone has already said this.

But I think it'd be a good idea to have many varieties of weapons such as.
For an example, a Short Sword (5 atk) random number, and there would be at least like 6 other weapons of the same sword class with (5 atk), that way if somebody doesn't like a design for a certain weapon they can find one that fits there interests. Also another idea would be to be able to "polish" your weapons into a variety of colors. Idk just an idea I had thought I'd share.

To Live is to Sin...
Were all going to hell anyways.

Joined:Jul 26, 2009 11:20 pm

Re: Equipment and Weapons discussion

Post by Hellter » Jul 27, 2009 12:06 am

In my opinion weapons attack strength should be random, depending on how difficult they would be to acquire. Also skills should matter more than how strong a weapon is, because in reality, it's a persons skill or knowledge that would matter more than the weapon. Maybe you could even incorporate knowledge of a certain fighting technique into skills; for example single handed, double handed, dual-weapon, shield and weapon. As far as "rare" weapons would go I think elemental weapons would be those; for example a sword in pieces droped by very rare boss event that would drop 1 piece at a time and then a god event like a thunder god that would drop a gem that could be infused with this sword to make it have an elemental ability... ie the thunder sword/axe/club .. etc.

Joined:Jan 29, 2008 3:42 am

Re: Equipment and Weapons discussion

Post by Vodus » Aug 02, 2009 4:53 am

I remember from Diablo II weapons/armor do not have a fixed number of attack/defense. For example a short sword could have a random number of attack strength within a certain interval, like from 5 to 10. The short sword with 5 attack would be pretty much worthless, while a 10 attack short sword would be very rare and valuable. Even tho every short sword is a short sword, I think they shouldn't all be the same. A weapon that is used for killing tons of creatures should become damaged, so you would have to repair it at a npc or by yourself.

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Dalan Valka
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Re: Equipment and Weapons discussion

Post by Dalan Valka » Aug 07, 2009 1:41 pm

I think a "tier" system would work for Eq such as Helmet chest legs ect. for the weapons how ever I belive it would be better to have a scaling such as atk. 3 atk. 5 atk. 8 but the same weapon just from higher lvl mobs like (example: a lvl 5 gobline drops a dagger with atk. 3 a max lvl goblin lvl 20 drops a dagger of atk. 6) and also there should be boss mobs that spawn on events or 1 day a year that drops a so called Legend weapon such as (using WoW as an example has nothing to do with WoW though) the Frost Demon boss has a low chance to drop the Great Frostmorne sword atk. 55.

Just a thought trying to give you more ideas


Keeper of death
Joined:Feb 24, 2009 7:02 pm

Re: Equipment and Weapons discussion

Post by Keeper of death » Aug 16, 2009 1:45 pm

i want to say have less and make some things really rare like old tibia... but then i think once people get strong enough they hunt the stronger creatures and what was once rare is no longer.
i think you should have items that that only spawn once a week for something really rare... or we could like said before make monsters that you need a group of 6-7 guys to kill and have it drop something rarely.
also this may sound stupid but less looks better to... for example, sure tibia has lots of weapons now but a lot of them look rather ridiculous... lol

Aurora Argon
Joined:May 12, 2008 12:59 am

Re: Equipment and Weapons discussion

Post by Aurora Argon » Aug 24, 2009 10:14 am

what if there were no "HIGH LEVEL" weapons, no SOVs, no SCAs, what if after a certain point the amount of damage you do was based on skills, charms, enchantments, etc.

take this as an example:
I awake one day, my father tells me that i have been called to defend the kingdom against the invading monsters, he gives me his old short sword that he used as a young man. I am forced to fight with this until I am able to find a better weapon once I make my way to the war camp where the army is gathering. I upgrade my short sword to the long sword that is usual of a grunt in the kings army. I look at the general, and notice that, while his sword is a bit better looking, gold trim and a few gems, it is very similar to mine. what is it that makes him a better warrior than me?

What if the armor/weapon stats were only really important at low levels, and once you upgraded to the military longsword, and have gotten your plate armor, chainmail leggings, greaves, and plate mail boots (with the exception of the warlord armor and weapons that only a true hero can find) there is no real need to spend hours looking for better equipment... in stead you would train your skills, and perhaps every once in a while you would find an ancient scroll that you could take to the arcane mage in the kingdom, and he would enchant you with the attack bonusses that the scroll is imbued with?

lvl ----
You would use the Short sword your father gave you
The military generals will let you have a Long sword and leather armor (the kingdom wont waste good armor until you prove yourself)
once you have shown you can fight, the army will grant you chain armor, legs, etc.
the Generals take notice and you become a Knight of the kingdom, you are then presented with your Knights sword, plate set, etc.
you may begin to find some slightly better armors, weapons etc, the majority of which are modified versions of the normal equipment, once you reach the highest of levels though, and are able to defeat the mighty dragons, wyrms, deamons, and warlocks, who knows what mystical armors they might be guarding??

with this system, skills become more important, stats would be something like

Shirt D:1
leather armor D:3
chain armor D:5
Plate Armor D:10
Warlord armor D:20
Demon Armor D:30

Short Sword A:2
Long Sword A:5
Knight Sword A:10-15
Warlord Sword A:20
Demon Sword A:30

the in between ranges would be filled by skills, blessings, charms, etc, this would keep super rare items super rare, and keep players from being able to just go to soem website and buy a SOV/E-plate with rl cash and lvl to 50 in one day

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