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Re: PKing

Post by Zurack » May 31, 2008 2:00 pm

I was thinking about something like addiction, this is how it works:

First, you kill someone, then you gain a very small temporary boost (more damage or life, for example), but the boost wears off slowly, but you will become weaker than you were in first place! The deboost will wear off too, but in a longer time.

So, if you want to continue strong you will have to kill more and more, until you become a crazy PK, yet fragile because you will have to maintain your killing spree.

This is how the boost formula works:

boost weakens by -10% each hour (or more/less) until -200%
the extra weakening (-100%) wears off too, but slower (maybe half the speed)

This is a PKing timeline:
___________________Current boost %
boost weakens_______90
Kill_________________90 + 100 = 190
boost weakens_______80 + 90 = 170
boost weakens_______70 + 80 = 150
Kill_________________70 + 80 + 100 = 250
Kill_________________70 + 80 + 100 + 100 = 350
boost weakens_______60 + 70 + 90 + 90 = 310
boost weakens x 5____10 + 20 + 40 + 40 = 110 (fast fowarding just to not spam "boost weakens" lots of times)
boost weakens x 5____-40 + -30 + -10 + -10 = -90
boost weakens x 6____-100 + -90 + -70 + -70 = -330
boost weakens x 2____-90 + -100 + -90 + -90 = -370
boost weakens x 6____-60 + -70 + -80 + -80 = -290
and so on until 0%...

Please note that the % is the boost %, not the player's stats %.

Maybe you can have some kind of temporary PK skills that depends on your vocation and victim's vocation, that uses up boost % too, like invisibility (from players) and this kind of PKey stuff, but not something that may help you against creatures. For example:

Skill_________PK Voc______V Voc______% required_____% used
Invisibility____Ranger______Any_______50%__________1% sec
Taunt_______Knight_______K/P_______50%__________1% 5 sec

Makes you invisible ONLY to players (not creatures).
If current boost % gets lower than 50% invisibility wears off.

Explodes in rage causing damage to nearby players.
You need NEGATIVE boost to use it.

If a player tries to attack someone, he will attack Taunt's caster instead.
If current boost % gets lower than 50% Taunt wears off.
Only Knight's and Paladin's victim boost % can be used to cast Taunt.

This way there is going to have "Vocation Killing Experts" and more PK teamworking.

Sorry about my English it is not my main language.

Well, that's it. Cya.

(Woot, first post :P)

Edit: Omg, first post of the page, i ALWAYS make the first post of the page, its like some kind of curse...)
Hello there! Oops, I mean bye...

Joined:Feb 05, 2008 1:05 pm

Re: PKing

Post by Lemieuxx » Jun 22, 2008 5:36 pm

I was curious. If the pvp will be like the old days? That was the best in my opinoun. Not sure if some1 asked already but i was just curious.

Magus Binx
Joined:Feb 25, 2008 12:14 pm

Re: PKing

Post by Magus Binx » Jul 11, 2008 4:46 am

Possibly "Blood Token/s" that only a select few NPCs will trade with? Just throwing it out there.

Unholy Aura
Joined:Jul 13, 2008 6:55 pm

Re: PKing

Post by Unholy Aura » Jul 14, 2008 1:08 pm

Taeorious wrote:It would be rad though. It would let people know "Hey maybe I should get the F outta Dodge!"

It was worth a shot. You could always have a "body collector" running around the game with a horse and cart collecting bodies when they are killed in town :D
That was a strange but then again a cool idea

Vulheric & Speed'Demon here, long time no seeing for the people who remember me

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Re: PKing

Post by Annubis » Jul 23, 2008 6:49 am

Mimming wrote:when i kill strongbah i wanna use my knife of the inferno to skin his meaty loins and salvage the festering flesh and ever so slightly place them against my triumphant shins, and in doing that gain a new item called blue legs, that as a bonus adds blue balls addon
I'm a bit late... But I liked your idea... :P

Imagine you killed someone, and then with your knife you take an ear, or a tongue... and with a very rare knife, you can take his heart or his brain from him >;D

"But where will you hide the body? If someone finds it we're lost!!!"

"Don't worry pal... I've got my shovel right here... We'll bury the body and no one will know we killed him, hah!"

"But didn't he see it was us? I mean, his console was full of messages like: 'John Doe hits you. You lost 200 hitpoints.', he could just take a screenshot and send to his friends by MSN!!!"

"Console? MSN? What are you talking about? I've never heard about these things before. It's probably dark magic!!! But don't my dear friend, remember we were using the invisible spell! Only if he managed to hit us, or to cancel our invisibility he'd be able to see who took him down. And now, let's take something from him!"

"Oh... right... Well, at least in this game the spell 'cancel invisible' could be usefull... :)... Oh God, that's his tongue!! What are you doing?"

"That's just my trophy..."

"You see a dead human. You recognize Noobie. His tongue was took away."




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Re: PKing

Post by Mimming » Aug 12, 2008 6:29 am

I propose to be able to damage player's the same amount of damage that a monster would take, etc, not half damage like tibia

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Daniel Bauman
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Re: PKing

Post by Daniel Bauman » Jul 30, 2009 1:23 am

Mimming wrote:I propose to be able to damage player's the same amount of damage that a monster would take, etc, not half damage like tibia

Id say.. If you think about it players should be able to deal the same damage to whatever they attack. with items and skills also implemented.

I dunno why so many people don't want people to know who killed who etc etc?? I think its always good to know who is killing who but i guess it will save alot of trouble??

I was thinking maybe about the higher the level you kill you should get a different coin of some sort. coins get more valuable for the more lvls of the person killed. But also this would be hard if more than 1 person killed a player, who would get the "trophy"?
I dont think person with the last hit should as they might of done the least dmg but yeah all in good time just BRAINSTORMIN OUT LOUD HERE!
Daniel Bauman!!
msg me in Trimera if you need help! :D

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Daniel Bauman
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Re: PKing

Post by Daniel Bauman » Jul 30, 2009 1:24 am

oops my bad. i didnt notice how old this post was :S
Daniel Bauman!!
msg me in Trimera if you need help! :D

Joined:Mar 11, 2008 1:46 pm

Re: PKing

Post by Bringer » Oct 16, 2012 9:27 pm

A small addition to the ear idea..

Bringer kills Bob.
Bringer loots "Bob's scalp" (Would be a little cool to choose from a list of which body part your char took from a murdered corpse)
Bringer looks at Bob's scalp, it is new.
*1 day later*
Bringer looks at Bob's scalp, it is slightly worn.
*1 week later*
Bringer looks at Bob's scalp, it is very worn.
*2 weeks later from kill*
Bob's scalp is too old to be distinguished, it disappears.

Would get rid of an over abundance... if you killed a HIGH caliber player and wanted to take your scalp trophy to a taxidermist to keep it forever, you may, with a fee.

Joined:Oct 29, 2008 11:41 pm

Re: PKing

Post by Scientist » Apr 26, 2015 11:23 pm

How about a 'wanted' list at town halls?

For example:

Relic kills Abscess (skull system, PKed, or whatever you implement) and it's unjustified.

A list/mercenary NPC character in town has every murderer who has made an unjust kill in the last 24/48/72 hours. You can see what lvl they are and who they killed.

"Relic (72 Knight) is wanted for the unjust murder of Abscess ( 138 Paladin). The reward is 1000gp."

You can choose to hunt down and kill the murderer (Relic) for a gold reward, but your name will be added to the list, meaning people may now come after YOU.

Could add a nice roleplaying element to the game also. ie if you are a known PK or PA, people will gang together to hunt you and be justified; or the community could band together to protect someone on the list if it was a revenge killing that got them on there etc.

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