The Beginning of an Adventure

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Magus Binx
Joined:Feb 25, 2008 12:14 pm
The Beginning of an Adventure

Post by Magus Binx » Apr 06, 2011 2:07 pm

At the edge of a lonely wood, smoke could be seen in the distance rising from a campfire. Gathered around were a few young adventurous squires, huntsmen, and apprentice diviners. They sat in the warm glow whispering tales of legends long past.
"Have you 'eard the one about the ranger from the plains? All those innocent people slain in cold-blood. . . The heroes from towns near and far finally ended his massacre after weeks of fighting. I'm glad no one like hims around no more." whispered a squire.
"You mean Vizeroth? I think those people weren't innocent as they seem. He was trying to fight off the incursion of overgrown spiders. They were large as a carriage! They might of been disturbin' the nest, sending 'em in a frenzy almost getting him killed, or maybe trying to steal any treasures they might O had. Guess he coulda just wounded 'em, used 'em as bait, rather than outright murderin' 'em." spoke an apprentice.
"Yeah. . . Coulda of just wounded 'em. . . I hope you don't actually plan on being allowed in the Guild of Apprentices with that mentality, Duncan. They might rather 'ave you suspended in the void. Have to admit, though, he was a bloody good shot." one huntsman stated.
"Ever think we'll see dangerous adventures like they 'ad back then?" inquired another.
"Might. Murmurin' 'bout strange things been goin' on in the valley. Somethin' 'bout unnatural clouds forming behind the mountains." spoke a figure masked by the shadow of the tree he was leaning against. "Best if we all stick together as best we can."

Little did they know, dark magic was brewing forces of evil beyond the mountains. Only a matter of time before they too would have the chance to become legends. Fame or infamy would be their's to claim. They must choose their paths carefully.

Story by Magus Binx, all rights reserved 4/6/2011.

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