Premium accounts?

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Premium accounts?

Post by Xseng » Feb 19, 2008 10:07 pm

Will there be premium accounts? If so, how much will it be?

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Re: Premium accounts?

Post by Relic » Feb 20, 2008 12:09 am

Eventually yes. However until we have enough content to make it worth paying for, it will remain free. Prices are undecided.

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Re: Premium accounts?

Post by ExTrivelly » Feb 20, 2008 9:27 am

Its a good point Xseng.

Relic, do you think in keep a permanent Pacc for those who are with you since the first day of Dristin?
Mean, who tested the server, the first steps, discovered the first bugs... will get a preferencial acc to run the server?

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Re: Premium accounts?

Post by Vergill » Feb 20, 2008 2:32 pm

I agree with him /\. As we had made the first steps on dristin w/e, it would be nice.

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Re: Premium accounts?

Post by Shinta » Apr 29, 2008 12:49 pm

I Agree we should get something like that, but I hope it dosent turn into a pacc game anytime soon cuz atm I don't have the time nor the finance to do that. I mean I am not poor but I can't really spend it on games ya know lol :roll:
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Re: Premium accounts?

Post by Carnagex » Jul 14, 2008 6:37 am

I don't really think just because some people will have been here since day one they should get unlimited premium.. I do think that there could be some type of trial for premium though? I remember back when I got my first prem on tibia I wasn't too sure on whether it was worth it, maybe a 24 hour trial or something would attract potential customers... Not that it really matters for the time being :)
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Re: Premium accounts?

Post by Shinta » Aug 11, 2008 2:44 am

come to think of it. You could have events and stuff. were you give a week of prem for free to try it and stuff like.
The bluest part of the sky seems so far away. I suppose thats what keeps us striving for it.

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Re: Premium accounts?

Post by Mimming » Aug 12, 2008 6:28 am

While having the normal ways of paying, you should also create an in-game premium card thing, like an item of a card that gives (90) days of premium time when activated in game, That can only be bought first for the standard real life amount, then sent to the characters home depot etc. It would give people who cant afford, or cant pay for premium another easier option.
Either way, your making money.

And if your worried about people 'stealing' it from hackings or w/e, tough luck for them, Dont share/cheat, dont get hacked.

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