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Gold tutorial

Posted: Apr 03, 2008 10:59 am
by Relic
This tutorial was created by Dozzie, for the graphics forum. You can find the original here: link

As I have seen, many have problems making gold. Therefore have I decided to make a Gold Tutorial.

Ok, lets start:

For the first to many take a yellow color. I have made a pallet there you can see what color you should use.

Color nr 2 is the main color, that's the color you should paint all your gold with.

Color nr 3 and 4 is the gold shading color, the color you should add after you put the main color on you're folder object.

Color nr 1 is the Highlight color, that one is the last color you should add on your golden object.

Under the 4 important colors it's a shading grade with all the 4 colors, that is for the paint users.

I will explain more about the shading grade soon.

Re: Gold tutorial

Posted: Apr 03, 2008 11:03 am
by Relic
So if we start to make a golden ball.

1.) First make a circle, then add the main color (nr 2.) on the whole ball.

2.) Add color nr 3 and 4, don’t mind on shading yet. Then add the light color nr 1 were the shining light should be.

3.) Now, if you got a good program, add a lot blur on your golden ball. Then it should look like pic nr 3. And for those who use paint, use the shading grade on my pallet. Pick a color between 2 of the 4 colors. And try to shad it.

4.) On pic nr 4. I have made a little sharper. Its because its gold, metals need sharp lines. And I removed the blur from the edges of the ball.

5.) Maybe you want something engrave in you’re gold, Its a bit harder. but make a sharp dark line were the should go down. then add light on the both edges then it looks like it goes down.

Re: Gold tutorial

Posted: Apr 03, 2008 11:05 am
by Relic
Then we got a horror-example on gold color. Do not ever use this yellow!!!

Re: Gold tutorial

Posted: Apr 03, 2008 11:08 am
by Relic
Then we have a last pic to show.

I have permission to use Óins armor to show you.

Here I added the gold I seen to much, the horrible yellow color.

Then I used my pallet, to make the gold more "correct"

And if I see anyone that make the horror-gold again I will personally delete the post and ban the person.

I want everyone to try this. It’s very useful. When I say everyone I mean even: Óin, Izual, Kohai, Eloryn and Casomir to! They need to train to.

When you made it, I would love to see. So to everyone: When u are finish, bust the result so I can se. Maybe I can give some tips and hints. Don’t be frightened, just post.

Now I'm finish with the tutorial. I will delete the post that already have post. They have to post again if they want to.

Re: Gold tutorial

Posted: May 10, 2008 8:52 am
by Mimming
I dont get it, if i try make some gold but use the wrong yellow, you'll ban me?

Re: Gold tutorial

Posted: May 10, 2008 8:53 am
by Mimming
Nevermind. Just read the 'made by' thing..